
Meesters&Gezellen 2021 ‘Nederlandse Oogst’
Margarita, Latvia, soprano
“Meesters&Gezellen is a great opportunity to meet other singers and conductors in your field. I’ve gotten the chance to meet with Geert Berghs and Daniel Reuss now and it’s been a great introduction in the Dutch world of choir singing. I’ve learned so much and have developed my skills even further by working with them. And what I also enjoyed in particular is that this program consisted of Dutch composers. That was quite new for me. Singing Sweelinck or Voormolen for the first time, it’s interesting and I loved it! You get to know The Netherlands a little better via their history of music. I imagine that every year this project leaves the singers with a lot of knowledge about music and culture.”
Marcel, Portugal, tenor
“I liked how everyone was very prepared and eager to do things right. From day one the whole group is excited and taking it very seriously. Not only for the singing, but also the social aspect. The first day everyone was already talking with each other and you get to meet all these new people that share your interests. And that’s so important for choir singing, if you ask me. If you haven’t talked to your neighbor at all, the singing together isn’t going to sound as good as it could be. And then to join this project in the aftermath of the pandemic has been wonderful.”
Joäo, Portugal, Bas
“Meesters&Gezellen is one of the most professional choir settings I’ve participated in so far. We’re all students and some of us are young professionals, but it’s a different type of work than other projects. During the rehearsal you have to be on your toes and be sure you’re energized and focused. I really enjoyed the professional attitude of everyone involved, because it’s been super helpful. My main objective is to be part of a choir or smaller ensemble this as a great way to jumpstart my musical career.”
Martin, Germany, tenor, Meester/member from Capella Amsterdam
“I’ve participated in this project as a Gezel in 2016 as well as a Meester now and I’m so impressed how the project got even better. I feel that the attitude is exactly the right one and the idea of what this project should be has become clearer and more focused. In my eyes Meesters&Gezellen can be the start for your professional career in choir singing. At least it was the case with me, and to come back as a Meester has been fulfilling.
For me being a Meester doesn’t mean mentoring or training the young singers. You’re really more accompanying them in the choir. I don’t do much more than being an engaged choir member and observe how everybody else is doing it. It’s most important not to instantly correct somebody’s mistake, instead listen first what happens next. Things have a way of correcting themselves and I’d rather lead by example. It’s singing with them, not above them. And I was dazzled by the level of preparation from all the singers. That was on a completely professional level.”
Sophia, Nederland, alt
“Ik studeer Midden-Oostenstudies aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en zing daarnaast in koren. Ik heb me opgegeven, omdat ik meer van mijzelf wilde ontdekken in het zingen en dat is meer dan gelukt. Wat ik ontzettend waardeer is het gepriegel en het super gedetailleerd werken. We kunnen bijvoorbeeld zo een half uur bezig zijn met intonatie in een bepaalde maat. Maar ook is dit project ontzettend gezellig en vormt de groep al gauw een geheel door de intensiteit. Meesters&Gezellen voelde al vrij snel als thuiskomen.”
Sil, Nederland, tenor
“Het zijn lange dagen en het niveau is écht hoog. Maar wat een buitenkans is dit, elke dag voel je verbetering en wordt het ensemblezingen mooier. Als Gezel heb je ook ontzettend veel aan de Meester. Ik kijk vaak even over mijn schouder om hem te observeren hoe hij bepaalde passages oppakt. Je kunt je ontzettend optrekken aan zo’n professional. Zo is een van de belangrijkste dingen die ik leer toepassen het luisteren. Dat is niet alleen je oren open zetten, maar dondersgoed opletten. Hoe klink ik nu? Hoe klinken mijn buren? Hoe worden wij een geheel? Tot in de kleinste puntjes wordt dat verfijnd.”